Leading climate action at COP22


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The Marshall Islands are on the brink of disappearance, and widespread pollution is contributing to the detriment of the marine ecosystem which Marshallese people, like Bryant Zebedy, live on. The One Young World Ambassador of the week, Bryant Zebedy, is currently representing his country at the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP22) in Marrakech.  

He has executed a statement in a panel for the Climate Vulnerable Forum, which serves as a South-South cooperation platform for countries highly vulnerable to and disproportionately affected by climate change. Marshall Islands is part of CVF’s global partnership as it is committed to low-carbon development and exerting pressure on industrialised nations to take robust action. He has advocated for capping global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees and robust solutions to protect threatened nations from devastating droughts and flooding.

Bryant works tirelessly to conserve the ocean which provides 80% of their daily resources. In both land and underwater excursions, he has helped collect over 3,000 pounds of solid waste in underwater and beach clean-ups.

At the 2015 One Young World Summit in Bangkok, he spoke in the Environment Plenary Session and expressed, ‘We are global warming victims, we must make stronger climate movements in order to maintain the sustainability of our planet.’ He continued to say, ‘If we small islanders survive, I promise you, the whole world will survive.’

Watch his speech here:

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