Eat Better Wa'ik/Come Mejor

Ambassador: Bibi La Luz Gonzalez , Guatemala

Eat Better Wa’ik is a not-for-profit association in Guatemala dedicated to creating food awareness and fighting malnourishment based on five principals: education, access to food, budget, tastes, and adequate food intake for specific ages. It works within the entire food chain, from its production, purchase, consumption, and waste/composting. The focus is on middle to low income urban families in Guatemala. The aim is to help parents make good, knowledgeable decisions about the food and nutrients they consume and give to their children. Good nutrition is essential for child development and well-being but is not always seen among these families. Through education programmes and workshops in local schools awareness about good nutrition will be created along with understanding of its impact both now and in the future. The project has been piloted in one school in Guatemala where the school has been encouraged to change its school meals to healthier options, to date over 300 students here and in the USA have learnt about more nutritional eating habits.