
Lipsva is a missing person database and mapping tool. It allows anyone to submit reports, photos and news about their relatives and friends. Each person has a profile where everyone can view their status, police reports, details, etc. Also, there they can comment, add information or download automatically generated posters and put them up on their streets or offices. Thus anyone can join in and help with the search, especially in the first hours.

The project also has secondary goals such as gathering statistics about opened and closed cases, status of those that were found, days that it took to solve the cases. Most of that data is being gathered from public police records. Another secondary goal is to raise the awareness in the public for such cases. Some reports get big press, especially when a child goes missing, but shortly after the issue drops from the public eyes. Also, there are a lot of cases that don't go public and there is too little pressure on the police to be more open and more efficient. Meanwhile there are many hundreds of families that never receive any word from their relatives and have to live with the uncertainty.