The Phumlani Nkontwana Foundation


The Phumlani Nkontwana Foundation is an activism campaign aimed at creating awareness of the unique challenges that under-resourced public schools face on a daily basis on one hand and seeks to suggest transformative solutions to some of these challenges on the other hand.

The mission of the project is "to foster an enabling educational environment in South Africa by capacitating teachers and inspiring scholars from under-resourced public schools to excel."

We run a learners-and-teachers development programme that ensures that:South African teachers stay motivated;leadership of public schools is very strong;the ‘playing field’ for all learners is level at school

– by providing high school scholarships;each beneficiary school has an annual excursion

– by arranging and funding it - in order to take the learners away from their day to day challenging and sometimes depressing environments;excellence is a priority goal pursued by both teachers and learners

– by hosting and funding annual Teachers and Learners Excellence Awards for each beneficiary school.

Our unique strategy is to identify, fast-track and sustain high-performing but under-resourced public high schools and learners within those schools. Typically these are schools whose annual fees are less than R1000.00 and the top five learners within each grade.