Un Techo Para Mi Pais


The mission of UTPMP is to improve the quality of life of families living in poverty through the joint effort of volunteers and communities in the construction of transitional houses, the implementation of social inclusion programs and the development of sustainable communities. Through our work, we aim to denounce the precarious reality of slums in which millions of people live in Latin America and involve the general public in building a more united, just and inclusive continent.

UTPMP’s model of intervention creates instances for university volunteers and slum families to work together to promote social leadership Intervention model within society. Through these instances, voices emerge to proactively denounce social injustices in Latin America and commit to work towards a solution to one of the most serious problems of the continent. 
This model consists of three phases: 
- the construction of transitional houses, 
- the implementation of social inclusion programs, 
- the development of sustainable communities.
The three phases are designed to empower local leaders and community members to transform slums into sustainable communities in a process supported by local volunteers in which a commitment to eradicate poverty in Latin America is created with society.
- 400,000 volunteers mobilized 
- More than 78,000 transitional houses constructed
- More than 3,000 volunteers working permanently in slum
Goals 2011:
- Mobilize 140,000 youth volunteers
- Construct more than 13,000 transitional houses throughout Latin America
- 210 new community-organizing workgroups and 400 competitive community funds turned into improvement projects in the slums
- Disbursal of 3,000 microcredits for community entrepreneurs
- 4,500community member graduates in skills training and 4,000 children participating in educational program