Apply: Laidlaw Women's Leadership Fund, London Business School

laidlaw women's leadership fund

Calling all women interested in pursuing a Masters, MBA or EMBA:

From autumn 2020-2023, the Laidlaw Women’s Leadership Fund at London Business School will support 20 outstanding female scholars across our Masters in Management, MBA and EMBA programmes each year, made possible by a generous £3.69m gift from the Laidlaw Foundation. This will create a dynamic network of female peers at LBS and beyond, strengthening our ambition for gender parity across our degree programmes. The Fund aims to attract exceptional women from a diverse range of backgrounds, in particular women who may not otherwise be able to afford a top-tier business education.

Female Masters in Management, MBA and Executive MBA candidates with demonstrable financial need, academic merit and leadership potential are encouraged to apply.

Find out more.

laidlaw women's leadership fund
laidlaw women's leadership fund