Young Leaders Fund - FAQs

The CYLF is available to all young leaders, regardless of whether they have attended a One Young World Summit. One Young World Ambassadors may be fast tracked through certain aspects of the process if they have already participated in impact analysis with the One Young World team. To see the full criteria, click here.



The CYLF aims to support initiatives which are already established. This is to ensure that funds can be used quickly and effectively, and directly on the pandemic. To see the full criteria, click here. If an existing iniative wishes to pilot a new scheme to meet emerging needs that have resulted from Covid-19, they should apply.



The CYLF is designed to be simple and flexible to ensure a quick and direct use of funds in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic. Young Leaders can apply for funding as individuals, however may be requested to submit additional due diligence. To see the full criteria, click here.



One Young World requests this document to understand the legal status and structure of the organisation overseeing the initiative. This should lay out the rule book for how the organisation will operate, its structure and its purpose. If you do not have a 'Governing Document', please submit an alternative document which provides that general information.



The form asks applicants to submit a business plan. This should summarise the objectives of the initiative, how it began, any research into the issue the initiative addresses, its operations, its product(s)/service(s), and its financial plan.



You should apply for funding to ensure that your work can be completed safely and efficiently. The average grant size distributed by the CYLF is $6,000 USD. This aim is to ensure the Fund can support a number of initiatives and impact various, vulnerable communities all around the world. One Young World recommends that you apply for between $2,500 - $10,000 USD. This may change as the fund develops, we will look at each application closely to maximise the Fund’s capabilities.



If you cannot attach the requested documents on the application form, please email the files to [email protected] with the subject heading “CYLF Application Documents - Initiative Name”. To submit the form without attaching a Business/Budget Plan, include a plain word document as a placeholder file.



Being awarded a grant will not automatically grant you access to the One Young World Summit. Please keep an eye on our scholarships page for opportunities to attend.



Thank you for your generosity. All funds will go directly to young leaders combatting coronavirus on the front lines in the form of grants.

Please email [email protected] with the subject line "Additional Question" if you have any queries which are not covered by the FAQs or other pages.