About EPIC
EPIC, or the End Poverty Innovation Challenge, is focused creating social ventures which create jobs and equity for the poor by delivering sustainable social impact solutions to meet the needs of the poor at a price the poor can afford.
About the Opportunity
Participants will have access to free educational resources on our website and participate in our EPIC Social Venture Lab, a live and interactive classroom via Zoom lead by Social Ventures Foundation's Executive Director, Marc Blumenthal. The EPIC Social Venture Lab will have guest speakers from all over the world in the social venture space and students will have the opportunity to network, ask questions, and get feedback on their ideas. All applicants will receive constructive feedback on their applications and finalists will win cash, mentorship, and other prizes.
How to Apply
EPIC is completely virtual and free to enter. Registration forms can be found on our website. Entries are due by October 30th. The preliminary judging results will be announced on November 20th for the top 25 teams. After a closed live round of presentations, the top ten teams will be announced on December 4th and will compete on December 11th at 2pm EST via Zoom in a live competition. Registration requires short answers as well as a 3 minute (maximum) video uploaded via YouTube.