
Allowing young people in Northern Ireland to grow their ideas and branch out into bright futures

We are excited to share our partnership with Unloc, supported by The Ellis Campbell Foundation, to launching our all-new Seed2030 Micro Grants!


The Seed2030 project will give 10 young people, aged 14 – 25, living in Northern Ireland, the opportunity to apply for £1000 to develop or test their community project idea or start up business that aims to advance on one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Banner image for Seed 2030 reads: 14-25 and living in Northern Ireland? One idea could change your world. Seed 2030. Banner includes QR code linking to opportunity on Unloc website:

Alongside the funding, the 10 young people will gain the opportunity to take part in a 2 day, 1 night immersive leadership bootcamp in Belfast helping them to progress their own leadership skills and the progress of their project, campaign or venture.


Following the bootcamp, grantees are connected with a mentor from the One Young World Ambassador Community; these mentors will support the grantee for 6 months as they get their project off the ground. Furthermore, the young people will also receive ongoing support from Unloc to develop their project or business idea.


Seed2030 has also been shaped and championed by local young people from Northern Ireland, Aimee Clint from the Education Authority and Nicole Parkinson-Kelly, a previous member of the Northern Ireland Youth Forum.This expert local knowledge combined with the expertise of Unloc staff to develop young changemakers has created a project that will have enormous impact in Northern Ireland, both on the young people themselves and their local communities.

Are you 14-25 years old and living in Northern Ireland? Or want to mentor a Seed2030 grant winner?