vocL: Empowering Responsible Business Voices

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vocL believes that there is an urgent need for truthful, inclusive, values-driven leadership

vocL is a new initiative co-founded by Juergen Maier, former CEO of Siemens UK, and Henrietta Lindsell, a former director of AGL Communications. It aims to promote socially responsible leadership in the business world, while also developing and encouraging the role of business voices in national, and international, conversations.

More information

Follow the vocL podcast and social media:

vocL produces a weekly podcast, Wednesday Question Time, hosted by One Young World Ambassador Dara Latinwo. Podcast episodes discuss current news from the business world alongside distinguished guests and how businesses can give back to society.


The vocL app and other content:

vocL also has an app, downloadable on both Android and iOS. It publishes articles from its founding team and founding associates on its website on a range of business and society-related issues. These include James Timpson on how helping society is the civilised way to do business, and Juergen Maier on the importance of leadership.

vocL also has a Monday Mentors programme, in which associates speak about their own career progression, useful and important advice they've received over the years, and the need for authentic voices in the public sphere. Recent contributors include Allan Cook, Chairman of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.

Subscribe to vocL here


vocL's Mentoring Programme

vocL are launching their flagship mentoring programme with top industry-leading executives to help nurture and support the next generation of socially responsible business leaders. vocL believes that transferring important skills from leaders to the workforce increases company commitment, productivity, and helps build responsibility.

What vocL mentoring involves:

vocL mentees get privileged access to business leaders and experts across a wide range of industries in order to expand their own leadership skills and industry knowledge. The programme is designed to invest in future business leaders through cross-company networking and idea exchange.

Mentees will build their profiles, develop their communication and networking skills, while engaging in useful and important debates on issues affecting the business world and society. The mentorship programme promotes a growth mindset for mentees.

vocL focuses on the empowerment of thoughtful, values-driven and diverse leaders interested in using their business voices for social responsibility.

The mentoring structure

vocL mentoring is structured so as to ensure lower employee turnover and as such it is a way for companies to invest in and develop their workforce. It consists of face-to-face sessions during the first year, supported by virtual sessions, with the relationship extending a further two years to support mentee content creation.

The mentorship process is reinforced with feedback, reviews and an end of mentorship impact assessment. After the three years are complete mentees will have the opportunity to become associates.

Get in touch about mentorship