International Women's Day 2021 is just around the corner and this year's theme is #ChooseToChallenge.
Are you interested to learn how you and your organisation can take meaningful action on gender equality? Or how you can bring this to your workplace or employer in a way that makes business sense?
For IWD 2021, Thrive - led by Jemima Lovatt - has teamed up with the Fawcett Society & the Ethnicity Pay Gap campaign to launch a one-of-a-kind workshop tackling equal pay, the progression of BAME women at work and making the business case for gender equality
Jemima will be joined by the CEO of the Fawcett Society Felicia Willow and Founder of the Ethnicity Pay Gap campaign Dianne Greyson to deliver a practical workshop that gives tangible takeaways for participants and forms part of a longer-term commitment to changing mindsets and behaviours in the workplace. The workshop will take place on Monday 1 March 2021 and aims to upskill and educate delegates about why gender equality is a great benefit to businesses and the steps they can take to achieve a more equal workplace. View the full curriculum below!

Learn more and book your slot: