
Audrey Tcherkoff

Executive President of the Institute for Positive Economy

Head of the Institute for Positive Economy Audrey Tcherkoff has been promoting, for many years, a fairer and more inclusive world for women and future generations. After a long experience with the pearl production group Robert Wan where, as CEO, she founded and developed the Middle Eastern division, Audrey chose to turn her career around and engaged in the “positive economy” sector. She first joined the Positive Planet Foundation’s Board, whose mission is to raise funds to fight poverty. She became vice-president of the Foundation in 2016. Audrey was then appointed head of the Positive Economy Advocacy (PEA), which brings together stakeholders engaged in economic transformation. In 2018, she and Jacques Attali created the Institute for Positive Economy. Audrey has led numerous pieces of work within the Institute with the goal of raising awareness about and improving the condition of women throughout the world.