
H.E. Mrs. Silvana Abdo

First Lady of Paraguay

Since 2018, Silvana Abdo has been implementing an effective strategy of inter-institutional articulation and collaboration, between the public sector, the business sector, international organizations, civil society, and accredited Diplomatic Representations in the country. All its initiatives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals SDG and the National Development Plan (2030).

Her actions as First Lady of the Nation are aimed at accompanying public policies focused on development and social welfare, with an emphasis on the empowerment of women, as well as plans and programs related to the care of children, adolescents and youth. Likewise, it supports the education, culture and health sectors, paying special attention to the population in vulnerable situations, including indigenous peoples and people with disabilities.

Through its OPD office, it has changed the figure of the First Lady of the Nation, linked throughout history with merely welfare actions, to others, focused on development and social welfare based on the transmission of knowledge, skills, promotion of values, cultural knowledge, collaborative, solidary, sustainable and sustainable community work.

Under the motto: “Paraguay de la Gente”, Silvana Abdo, focuses her work agenda on four priority axes: 1. Assistance to Early Childhood; 2. Economic and Social Empowerment of Women; 3. Promotion of the Orange Economy, Creative and Cultural Industries, and 4. Volunteering, as a tool for transformation and community development.

In the international area, Silvana Abdo has promoted the creation of the Alliance of Spouses of Heads of State and Representatives (ALMA), with the aim of working together on social projects and promoting unity in Latin America and the world. She served as the First General Coordinator of the Alliance of First Ladies from August 2019 to September 2020.