Visual Human Rights Exhibition, #OYW2018 | The Hague

This opportunity and article was written by Hoessein Alkisaei.*

Figure 1: Organisation SHOP takes ex-prostitutes and victims of human trafficking in, and gives them a second chance in society by supporting them during their reintegration. This is linked to article 4 of the UDHR: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

About the exhibition

The very first exhibition of Visual Human Rights (VHR) will be opened on the 17th of October during the One Young World Summit of 2018 in The Hague. VHR is a movement that visualises the 30 articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights all around the world. Hoessein Alkisaei started off by taking the very first photos in city of The Hague, the international city of peace and justice. Now it is up to you to do the same, but in your own country, city and/or environment.

The exhibition will be featured at the World Forum in The Hague, the venue of the summit for the OYW Summit of 2018. The exact location is in the hallway on the ground floor in front of the rooms of North and Central America.

Figure 2: ‘Taal aan Zee’ is an organisation that helps newcomers in the Netherlands with the Dutch language. This is linked to article 26 of the UDHR: Everyone has the right to education. 

The mission

The goal of this project is to visually create awareness about how human rights are implemented, defended, and/or violated. All photos are based on real situations and stories, without editing, posing or theatre techniques. Everything must remain as natural, honest and realistic as possible. It is also recommended to collaborate with organizations and communities that implement and protect certain human rights. In this way, attention is given to those heroes as well.

Eventually, with your aid, and the aid of individuals all around the world, we will be able to show a possible contrast between the different interpretations and implementations, or the lack thereof, of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This in turn will lead to global awareness.

Figure 3: ‘Milonga La Cantina’ hosts Tango sessions at the sea in The Hague. This is linked to article 24 of the UDHR: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

To join, to follow, and for more information, please visit:


Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Visual Human Rights

Instagram: @visualhumanrights

Find out more

*Hoessein Alkisaei is a structural engineer currently working at the global engineering firm Royal HaskoningDHV. He is also part of the Engineers Without Borders team in the Netherlands with projects in Liberia and Togo. In addition he uses his photography to raise awareness about humanity and human rights as the key to creating a unified world. Watch Hoessein’s vlogs as ambassador on different topics that concern humanity and the well being of the world.
