I OWN Karachi


This initiative led by Muhammed Ali Mustafa is picking up on the ' I Own Karachi' initiative launched by Mr Syed Mustafa Kamal, Mayor of Karachi. Mr Kamal recently launched this initiative in a collective attempt to start to tackle the city's environmental problems. Although the initiative has generated some criticism from some political parties, Karachi's youth has been leading by example and getting engaged. On March 14 youngsters in Karachi took to the streets to educate the community about how collective efforts can help protect their environment. They provided a wealth of practical solutions such as clearing the streets, painting over graffiti and planting trees. They even tackled the city zoo! A great example of how a community can own a problem and work to eliminate it together. Smali Mustafa has been trying to gather ideas and funds for the project and is looking for contributors with ideas and initiatives and help spreading the word.

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