Candidates Delegates and Ambassadors

Could you be a delegate? If you were born during or after 1986 and have qualities you think might make you a leader then you should be at One Young World 2012.

Delegates should have following skills, traits and beliefs:

  • Teamwork
  • Leadership potential and skills
  • Concern about global issues
  • Ability to generate and articulate impactful ideas
  • A commitment to volunteering or other extracurricular activity (evidence required)

You'll meet people like yourself from almost every country in the world. You'll be inspired by some of the world's great leaders and can discuss the things you care about and tell the world what you're doing to lead for a better future. 

Hover over the icons below for more information about becoming an One Young World Ambassador.


An applicant is anybody who has applied to become a candidate for a One Young World summit.


A candidate is an applicant whose profile has impressed us enough to be uploaded onto our website, and who will be a delegate at the summit if they get the necessary sponsorship. Being a candidate displayed on our official website means that you will be supported with fundraising materials, and that sponsors can support your attendance at the summit directly through your profile.


A delegate is a candidate who raised the sponsorship to attend the summit, and is thus going to be there. In the lead-up to the summit, delegates will be contacted with relevant information pertaining to summit content and opportunities.


An ambassador is someone who attended a summit as a delegate. Thus, all the delegates who were at the 2010 and 2011 summit are now ambassadors. Being an ambassador qualifies you for attendance at future summits, and means we will keep in touch between summits updating you with news from OYW HQ, as well as getting news from you on projects and work you've undertaken.

Register as a candidate Register as a candidate Meet and learn from the One Young World Counsellors.

In 2011, Counsellors included Archbipshop Desmond Tutu, Bob Geldof, Donna Karan, Christine Ockrent, Jamie Oliver, Wael Ghonim and Joss Stone.

View the 2011 counsellors

Each delegate place covers:

  • Return travel to and from the Summit in Pittsburgh
  • Hotel accommodation for the duration of the Summit
  • Meals and catering
  • The Summit itself

(There are no additional costs and all funds are used solely for the delegates - no profit is made from the Summit)