Peter Drucker Essay Challenge - "Towards a Passion Economy"

passion economy

Win €2,000 in this essay competition!

The 13th Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest aims to engage the young generation in addressing the opportunities and challenges of our time in the light of Peter Drucker’s humancentered management philosophy.
In 2022 students and young professionals aged 18-35 around the world are invited to submit an essay on the topic "Towards a Passion Economy"


The deadline to apply is May 31st 2022.

About the Challenge

What is the future of work in the age of automation? Many people are pinning their hopes on what is dubbed the passion, or creator, economy, where the individual is neither wage slave nor gig serf, but engages with digital technologies to leverage their own unique aptitudes and, yes, passions to forge a livelihood on their own terms, cutting out the middle man and middle management to reach clients and customers directly, thereby satisfying the human need for both material security and meaning.


Proponents argue that it is an idea whose time has come. Yet the idea is also controversial. Will the offerings of the passion economy develop beyond the fake PR of ‘influencing’ and the transitory nature of viral celebrities? Will it suffer the same fate as the short-lived ‘sharing economy’? Is it possible to democratise the economy in this way, or will the benefits be siphoned off by Big Tech gatekeepers, which are pouring money into the ‘creator’ sector in order to control if for their own ends? Is everyone fitted to do it? What kind of changes in education, management and finance would be needed to make it happen at scale?


In his writings and thinking, Peter Drucker gave a large place to entrepreneurship, individual dignity and managing oneself. What do you think: How would he have viewed the rise of the passion economy? Or how would you describe to him this emerging new economy, with its potentials, pitfalls, and promises?

What makes the Contest unique?

  • Aim - Keeping the human-oriented management philosophy of Peter Drucker alive in the minds of the young generation
  • Participation - Open to students and young professionals from all around the world
  • Essay Format - A personal narrative essay that may be underpinned by research
  • Openness - Being exposed to unconventional thinking and mind-opening discussions and actively contributing to sessions at the Drucker Forum
  • Community - Becoming part of the global network of former laureates
  • Providing opportunities for alumni to interested contest participants
  • Vienna - The place where Peter Drucker was born and educated, the Drucker Forums are held, contest finalists are meeting leading management thinkers and practitioners from all over the world to learn from one another
  • PDSE - Peter Drucker Society Europe as the organizer – a non-political, independent, nonprofit association, established in Vienna in 2010

Prizes include

  • Cash prizes of  €2.000 for 1st place, €1.200 for 2nd place, and €1.000 for 3rd place


  • Complimentary in-person pass for the 14th Global Peter Drucker Forum, to be held in Vienna, Austria on November 17 & 18, 2022
  • Invitation to attend the Gala event with Awards ceremony and to participate in a cultural program
  • Opportunity to win the Special Recognition Award for the most original essay
  • Certificate with ranking
  • Invitation to join the Drucker Challenge Alumni Community on social media networks
  • One-year-all-access subscription to the Harvard Business Review
  • Publication: Ranking list, link to your essay, your photo and bio on Your essay may be re-published by your university/company with credits given to Peter Drucker Society Europe
  • Funding of travel expenses: Your international travel and accommodation costs for attending the Forum will be reimbursed based on our travel process & policy.

Any further questions? 

Contact Milena Milicevic, University Partnerships at the Global Peter Drucker Forum


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