Martina Buchal - Canada


Martina was selected from 60,000 applicants to become World Merit’s Global Ambassador

Martina became the second One Young World Ambassador to win Your Big Year, a global leadership competition run by World Merit.

As the 2013 winner, Martina was selected ahead of more than 60,000 applicants to become World Merit’s Global Ambassador. This role has seen Martina take up a position at World Merit’s global HQ in the UK where she works to build partnerships with organisations focused on youth empowerment and promote World Merit’s cause. Martina’s engagements so far have included contributing to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and the OECD Forum in Paris.

From July 2014 Martina will embark on a year-long world tour. She will travel to every continent stopping along the way to work with a range of local and national NGOs as well as various government initiatives.

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