

Caritta Seppä

Business for Social Good

Together with Founder Mario Aguilera and Co-Founder Yesika A. Robles, Caritta co-founded Tespack, a social enterprise which aims to make people energy-independent by designing and developing unique mobile energy solutions by combining solar energy with power electronics and IoT. She attended the One Young World Summit in The Hague through the Audi Environmental Foundation Scholarship, a relationship which developed into an exciting collaboration to create social impact.

Audi Environmental Foundation and Tespack are launching a pilot project in Peru to provide environmental awareness on the topics of rainforest and deforestation. This is being run in collaboration with a Peruvian NGO, and the NGO workers require energy sources to operate in remote locations. As a result, Tespack is providing the front-line educators with renewable energy sources so they can operate in remote communities with no energy grid. This replicates the work of other successful projects using off-grid renewable energy sources in Ethiopia and Uganda as done in collaboration with Plan International. 

Through this project, future initiatives, and the long-term partnership which they have established with the Audi Environmental Foundation and Plan International, Tespack has exponentially increased its capacity for social impact by facilitating the essential work of Plan International. The renewable and clean nature of the energy they provide also prevents the harmful consequences of alternative solutions.

SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy